Now with detailed information on each island. Population, island size, rainfall, temperature, etc.
Sing along with a new Karaoke version of the Hawaii State Anthem. Makes it easier, and fun to learn!
New 360 degree panoramas give you a sense of what it's like to actually be in Hawaii.
Looking for that perfect gift of Aloha? Why not experience Hawaii the "high-tech" way, with The All About Hawaii CD-ROM. Not just a simple screen saver (like other Hawaii CDs), a real Interactive CD-ROM filled with photos, video clips, sounds, and animation. Learn about State Facts, Hawaiian Language, Island Life, Sights, and Frequently Asked Questions. Made exclusively in Hawaii by GN Productions, this new "state of the art" CD-ROM is both educational and entertaining.
The All About Hawaii CD-ROM is designed to be compatible with both Windows and Macintosh computers and has a simple "web-like" interface. All the user has to do is "point and click" his, or her, way through the wealth of information on the disc. In addition, the disc contains embedded links to the internet for access to even more information. By clicking on one of these links, the software will automatically launch the computer's default web browser and take the user to a specific point in cyberspace (assuming, of course, that the computer has an internet connection). In this way, the user can always have access to the latest information covered by the disc.
Minimum requirements are a Pentium class computer with Windows 95 or a PowerMac with OS 8, 16 mb ram, 8x CD-ROM drive, and Apple QuickTime™ software, version 3 or later. A QuickTime 4 installer is included on the disc.
The Air Force URL has been changed to just the root: (It used to point to a more specific area --
Known problems:
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